Title: Dream Lover Fandom: Teen Wolf Music: Dream Lover by Bobby Darin Characters/Pairing: Derek, Stiles; Derek/Stiles Summary: a girl to hold in my arms and know the magic of her charms or Stiles just wants to know the magic of Derek's charms Warnings: none
Title: Zebra Fandom: Teen Wolf Music: Zebra by John Butler Trio Characters: Stiles, Scott, Derek, Lydia, Sheriff Stilinski, ensemble; with a hint of Derek/Stiles Summary: "What the hell is a Stiles?" Let me try to answer this. Warnings: some violence
Title: You Fill Up My Senses Author: dodger_sister Fandom: Teen Wolf Category: PWP Characters/Pairing: Derek/Stiles, Scott & Isaac Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Sexual Situations Spoilers: None. Summary: Everything about Derek makes Stiles hard, especially the fact that Derek can tell when Stiles is, in fact, hard. Word Count: 4,070 words.